Lightmeter 1.5: Historical Insights and Logstash support
Monitoring remote mailservers via sockets (including Elastic Logstash) and Rsync is now supported and past performance data is analysed
Lightmeter 1.4.0: Notifications via email with Insight links
Email notifications of high priority problems are supported with direct links to Insights, plus six other improvements
MS Exchange hack 'infecting thousands per hour'
The Hafnium attack on Microsoft Exchange email servers compromises them with web accessible shells which remain after security patching
Kopano Groupware integrates Lightmeter for private cloud service certitude
Kopano Open Source groupware has integrated Lightmeter Open Source mailops monitoring for private cloud service quality with data sovereignty
Why we trademark Open Source software and you should too
Do Open Source software trademarks contradict Open Source principles? What's their net impact on freedom? And what risks do they avoid?